Partner Groups: Only as strong as the weakest link. (Part 1) Francesca Radbill, Radbill Consulting Kelly Monestime, Monestime Marketing, LLC Unfortunately, the expression “too many cooks in the kitchen” is, all too often, very applicable to professional service...
Client Satisfaction Surveys: How to kill 4 business birds with 1 marketing stone. Kelly Monestime, Monestime Marketing, LLC Many professional service firms conduct regular client satisfaction surveys while others know they should, but struggle to execute. After all,...
Avoiding the Trap of Summer Kelly Monestime, Monestime Marketing, LLC In my years as an accounting marketer, I have worked with many types of professional service leaders. All of them understood the need for growth but they all had different capacities to generate...
The high cost of ineffective communication. Ineffective communication is not only costly to your firm but significantly limits growth potential. Having worked with teams at every level in an accounting firm, from administrative to leadership, the greatest...
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